Gabriel Sykes

Filmmaker - Photographer - Developer


I'm currently on a full time broadcast and film course at college. The decision to join this course came from a general interest I've had for many years, which I never quite had the means to pursue until recently.

My skills mostly come into play as a camera operator, though I am also comfortable working with audio equipment, lighting equipment, video editing, colour grading, and most other tasks directly related to the creative process.

I am one of the co-founders of ThousandNine Media, an indie production company.


I am a hobbyist photographer, mainly focusing on experimenting with a variety of different techniques and technologies for the sake of producing interesting photos that I can be proud of.

Taking this approach to photography, treating it as a hobby while the filmmaking is my career focus, allows me to try random ideas in my free time that I would never think of on set, but could still apply to future shoots.

At the moment I am mainly shooting on 35mm film, whatever stocks I can get my hands on. My personal favourites so far are Kodak Gold, Kodak Ultramax overexposed 1 stop, Fomapan 400, and Yoru 400.

The bird profile picture I currently use on most sites was a photo I took on a full spectrum modified Sony a5000 with a 720nm infrared filter.


I have been messing around with various forms of development for a large part of my life.

Initially, I was a young child trying to write text based narrative games in Windows Batch, none of those became anything fruitful.

Early in high school, we happened to be taught basic HTML and CSS in an ICT class, I enjoyed it, and have been writing my own websites ever since. I much prefer the fine control this approach gives me over the oversimplified drag and drop site builders.

I've also experimented with various programming languages, particularly taking a liking to Python and Rust. This allowed me to create tools such as AutoTCLog-RS, an automated timecode logging program.

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